Workers at the RADA Bodles Research Station in Jamaica.


Foresight involves preparing for long-term challenges by identifying trends, envisioning possible futures, and shaping strategies to guide decision-making.

Workers at the RADA Bodles Research Station in Jamaica.

STAR IDAZ Approach

Foresight describes a readiness to deal with long-term issues. It aims to identify long term trends and thus guide decision-making, by identifying possible - and desirable - futures, and defining strategies. Results are generally fed into public decision-making, but they also help participants themselves to develop or adjust their strategy.

STAR IDAZ looks at how global trends might impact on animal health. Priority topic foresight activities will be carried out, when necessary, for example foresight exercise focused on diagnostics.

Working group

No Current Active Working Group

STAR IDAZ carried out an Inventory of Foresight Methodologies and Studies in 2012 to understand the foresight and horizon scanning activities carried out by STAR IDAZ partners and countries.

In 2014, STAR IDAZ conducted foresight studies to identify the scientific and technological needs, including research capacity and support structures to prevent, control or mitigate animal health and zoonotic challenges for 2030 and beyond. Regional foresight workshops were carried out in the Americas, Asia and Australasia and in Europe. The likely impact of these drivers on various disease categories was considered, a preferred future scenario agreed and back-casting conducted at a workshop held in Moscow, Russia in June 2014.

Key People

Italy flag

Marina Bagni,

Ministry of Health Italy


Reports and outcomes from meetings and workshops

Research roadmaps

Gap analysis summary

The Foresight Working Group does not carry out gap analysis activities but will instead look at how global trends might impact on animal health. This link is for STAR IDAZ’s Inventory of Foresight Methodologies and Studies


Displaying 4 of 14 projects


European Proteomics Infrastructure Consortium providing Access

Planned Completion date 30/06/2023

Source Countries:


Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors

Planned Completion date 30/09/2023

Source Countries:


Future Oriented Collaborative Policy Development for Rural Areas and People

Planned Completion date 30/09/2022

Source Countries:


The opening of rural areas to renew rural generations, jobs and farms

Planned Completion date 30/04/2023

Source Countries:
