Home Foot and Mouth Disease [Bio security] Assessment of biosafety risk of shipping penside tests containing inactivated FMDV
Foot and Mouth Disease roadmap:
Control Strategies

Roadmap for the research to underpin the development of control strategies for FMD

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Bio security

Assessment of biosafety risk of shipping penside tests containing inactivated FMDV

Research Question

What are we trying to achieve and why? What is the problem we are trying to solve?

To assess the biosafety risk of shipping penside tests containing inactivated FMD virus.

Research Gaps and Challenges

What are the scientific and technological challenges (knowledge gaps needing to be addressed)?

Assess biosafety and biosecurity of transportation of inactivated virus in penside test.

Solution Routes

What approaches could/should be taken to address the research question?



What else needs to be done before we can solve this need?


State Of the Art

Existing knowledge including successes and failures

Currently available control tools have enabled FMD eradication in much of the developed world; however, in many developing countries, FMD remains uncontrolled. In these settings, the biosecurity measures that have been fundamental to successful FMD control in the developed world can seldom be implemented effectively


What activities are planned or underway?

spatial model of foot and mouth disease outbreak in an endemic area of thailand

Planned Completion date 01/10/2021

Participating Country(s):


Epidemiology of foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks in Thailand from 2011 to 2018

Planned Completion date 01/11/2022

Participating Country(s):
