Influenza roadmap:
Diagnostic Tests
Roadmap for the development of diagnostic test for influenza
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Fit-for-purpose diagnostic tool
Research Question
- Development of rapid, reliable diagnostic test for early detection of influenza virus including viruses with zoonotic and/or pandemic potential and including pen-side tests.
Research Gaps and Challenges
- Subtype-specific testing capability, including antibody tests for sera
- Automatic statutory reporting requirements for High Path viruses
- Commercial market of diagnostic tests
- Multiple antibodies to different IAV
- Utility/sensitivity of in-field diagnostic solutions
Solution Routes
- Development of tests for use in the field
- Development of DIVA tests
- Fast typing of AI virus using molecular tools without virus isolation, applicable for
- Pets diagnostic tests may need to be developed, but lack of commercial market is disincentive for development
- Tests for the identification of seroconversion resulting from IAV infection include both non-specific and multiplex assays
- Assays to identify HA binding specificity for sialic acid-terminated glycans
- Improve Real-Time PCR tests for subtype-specific and internal controls
- In-field direct to sequencing, improved laboratory sequencing
- Testing for low resource settings that don’t require infrastructure
- DIVA surveillance protocols acceptable to trade partner
- Sample transportation and quality
- Local test availability
- Way to capture and share field observations and knowledge obtained
during an outbreak to help prevent and control disease in subsequent
events - Adequate/standardized protocols for sampling and extraction
- The lower accuracy of the rapid test ,a kind of limitation, needs to be understood and accepted by the users and governments
State Of the Art
- Serologic DIVA strategies are available, but little information is available to understand how this can be used in the field (How many samples need to be taken to meet surveillance needs)
What activities are planned or underway?
Protect wildlife from livestock diseases.
Planned Completion date 07/10/2022
Participating Country(s):
Dynamics of sustainability in integrated agriculture : aquaculture systems in the Mekong Delta
Planned Completion date 21/10/2024
Participating Country(s):