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Influenza roadmap:
Diagnostic Tests

Roadmap for the development of diagnostic test for influenza

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Technology optimization

Technology optimization

Research Question

  • Continued improvement of technologies

Research Gaps and Challenges

  • Decrease time and costs
  • Improve NextGen Sequencing for a cost-effective use in the field
  • Continue to optimize rRT-PCR to support routine and targeted surveillance
  • Pen-side application: RT-rtPCR and sequencing.
  • What can go wrong will go wrong in the field

Solution Routes

  • Benchmark gold standard versus new technology (PCR vs Metagenomics)
  • Overcoming patent issues? Capitalizing on human medicine/dx to bankroll animal medicine/dx
  • Validation testing conducted in parallel to reduce time to release on market
  • Improvement of NextGen Sequencing: a) decrease the costs b) continue to develop Minion and other rapid NGS platforms for more rapid targeted and random sequencing c) Improve sensitivity of NGS platforms d) Improve bioinformatic analysis pipelines and provide technology to be usable at state diagnostic laboratories e) Identify
    faster and more efficient sample preparation and testing
  • Optimization of rRT-PCR: a) Continue to review and update as needed for type A and subtyping tests (use of rapid sequencing approaches) b) continue to explore and validate environmental testing c) integrate internal positive control to identify false negative results (possible host
    control) d) assemble Rt-qPCRs to match the circulating HPAIV sub- a
  • Local and centralized tools/staff support for data evaluation and
    sequence interpretation and visualization/sharing
  • Improvement of communication and data sharing: selected tests or diagnostics need to be used and shared by many players


  • Continue to harmonize protocols and adapt to new technologies
  • Sample collection and transportation independent of cold chain
  • Provide copy-based, non-infectious reference material and controls
  • Public/private sharing
  • Develop strategies to use tests (screening to characterization)
  • Reduce cost of rRT-PCR to increase use
  • Development of alternative reagents to do not be dependent on single manufacturer


What activities are planned or underway?

Protect wildlife from livestock diseases.

Planned Completion date 07/10/2022

Participating Country(s):


Dynamics of sustainability in integrated agriculture : aquaculture systems in the Mekong Delta

Planned Completion date 21/10/2024

Participating Country(s):
