Home Influenza [Genetic] Genetic
Influenza roadmap:
Diagnostic Tests

Roadmap for the development of diagnostic test for influenza

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Research Question

  • Rapid, cost-effective tools for
    – genetic detection
    – Sequence analysis and characterization
    – Sequence reporting/databases that communicate with each other (I.e., sequences from one database can be downloaded and analyzed in another without loss of integrity)

Research Gaps and Challenges

  • Systematic approaches for analyzing and reporting viral genome sequences
  • Issues around samples most relevant for infection in different species with swabs alone not necessarily enabling detection
  • Approaches that are specific i.e. need to know what you have before you can test

Solution Routes

  • Effective deployment of 3rd -gen sequencing technologies for both wet and dry-lab protocols, allowing point-of-incidence analysis
  • Rapid characterization of variants circulating in the field via high throughput point-of-care technology
  • Improve sensitivity and purification methods for whole-genome sequencing
  • Evaluation of whole genome sequencing platforms
  • Develop highly multiplexed PCR assays
  • Improved and easily employed metagenomic pipelines
  • Commercialization or Increased availability of novel technology like viability PCR tests


  • Training of more bio informaticists to mine and interpret the data
  • Understand the relationship between genetic detection and transmission IRL
  • Improved reference databases/faster assignment of genetic clades as they appear
  • Turnkey solutions to allow use in more veterinary labs
  • Reduce complexity of testing procedure to make it more accessible


What activities are planned or underway?

Protect wildlife from livestock diseases.

Planned Completion date 07/10/2022

Participating Country(s):


Dynamics of sustainability in integrated agriculture : aquaculture systems in the Mekong Delta

Planned Completion date 21/10/2024

Participating Country(s):
