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Influenza roadmap:
Control Strategies

Roadmap for the development of disease control strategies for influenza

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Control Tools

Control Tools

Research Question

  • Development of improved control tools for influenzas virus to minimize losses when infections occur and to prevent spread to other populations

Research Gaps and Challenges

  • To develop vaccine, therapeutics, biosecurity measures, disinfectants and breed selection for controlling influenza virus in targeted species
  • To develop strategies to use various control tools across various species, ages, and types of production as well as in varied stages of an
  • Lack of knowledge on how dietary/other interventions might be targeted towards eliciting changes in the microbiota that support
    immunity to influenza and/or improve responses to vaccines

Solution Routes

  • Pre-emptive risk assessment for targeted disease control measures
  • Strategies for the suppression and local/regional eradication of swine influenza
  • Assessment of exposure risks for flocks from outdoor composting
  • Additional composting methods: Above ground, in Ag bag
  • Increase and improve biosecurity measures (solution useful for controlling several respiratory diseases at once)
  • Improve compliance and practice among workers. Upper management by-in
  • Methods to neutralize virus from housing when birds are present
  • Windbreak gaze (netting efficacy)
  • Keep animals inside
  • Risk assessment post outbreak to determine when a site can be declared free of pathogen to prevent subsequent outbreak
  • Design vaccination strategies that fit species, age, production type and maternal antibody status including priming and boosting with various technologies to optimize protection and duration of immunity


  • Understand the risk of outbreak spread with the application of existing strategies and/or when no control is applied


What activities are planned or underway?

Protect wildlife from livestock diseases.

Planned Completion date 07/10/2022

Participating Country(s):


Dynamics of sustainability in integrated agriculture : aquaculture systems in the Mekong Delta

Planned Completion date 21/10/2024

Participating Country(s):
