Home Influenza [Genetic selection] Genetic selection
Influenza roadmap:
Control Strategies

Roadmap for the development of disease control strategies for influenza

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Genetic selection

Genetic selection

Research Question

  • To breed animals more resistant to infections

Research Gaps and Challenges

  • Improve resistance to infection by selective breeding or genetic modification

Solution Routes

  • Application of immunogenetic study findings to generating more resistant commercial poultry species
  • Translation of recent findings on possible innate immune determinants of susceptibility in avian species into generation of more resistant


What activities are planned or underway?

Protect wildlife from livestock diseases.

Planned Completion date 07/10/2022

Participating Country(s):


Dynamics of sustainability in integrated agriculture : aquaculture systems in the Mekong Delta

Planned Completion date 21/10/2024

Participating Country(s):
