Home Influenza [Wildlife] Wildlife
Influenza roadmap:
Control Strategies

Roadmap for the development of disease control strategies for influenza

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Research Question

  • Prevent spill-over of HPAI from poultry to wildlife
  • Reduction of population impacts of HPAI on wild bird and wild mammal species

Research Gaps and Challenges

  • Identification of the most important reservoir species within wild bird populations
  • How high or low is the host species barrier?
  • Dynamic of exchange between migratory wild migratory birds and resident wildbirds – reservoir persistence

Solution Routes

  • Molecular signatures of adaptation to poultry of wild bird LPAI virus
  • Evaluation of poultry systems that provide good poultry health and welfare and reduce contact with relevant wildlife
  • Study wildlife species at the interface with domestic animal/humans
  • Study wildbirds and wild boars raised and released into the wild by hunting activities
  • Direction of infection: From domestic to wildlife or vice versa


  • Longitudinal wild bird surveillance studies
  • True costs and benefits of poultry production need to be implemented in order to allow changing poultry systems for both improved poultry health and welfare and reduced risk of spillover of HPAI to wildlife


What activities are planned or underway?

Protect wildlife from livestock diseases.

Planned Completion date 07/10/2022

Participating Country(s):


Dynamics of sustainability in integrated agriculture : aquaculture systems in the Mekong Delta

Planned Completion date 21/10/2024

Participating Country(s):
