Home Influenza [Host-pathogen interactions] Host-pathogen interactions
Influenza roadmap:

Roadmap for the development of candidate vaccines for influenza

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Host-pathogen interactions

Host-pathogen interactions

Research Question

  • Understanding host-pathogen interaction relevant for virulence and immune response
  • Host-virus protein interactions
  • Functions of viral proteins
  • Molecular determinants of virulence

Research Gaps and Challenges

  • Identify changes in the viral genome/proteins affecting virulence/immune response (e.g. HA and NA and what impact this has on transmission)
  • Determine influence of virus on host cell molecular biology
  • Molecular changes required for virulence
  • Limitation to conduct long-term studies
  • Viral, host and environment factors that influence the risk of acquiring an HA multibasic cleavage site
  • Virus determinants ( other than MBCS ) of local replication and potential systemic spread in target species

Solution Routes

  • Gene expression in infected cells
  • Understand the significance in changes of EIV NA (drift and shift)
  • Identify mutations in the HA and non-HA genes that enhance transmission, shedding, and replication in different species
  • Infectivity, pathogenicity, and transmission studies with emerging viruses in different domestic and wild bird species
  • Long term pathogenesis studies to better characterize the dynamics of virus transmission in flocks
  • Effect of multiple IAV strain infections in pig host
  • Pathogenesis studies of new AIV subtypes to identify molecular mechanisms of adaptation/zoonotic risk
  • Mechanisms behind increased pathology and transmission observed with some H9N2 and H5N2 LPAI strains – also strains like H3N1
  • Better understanding of the increase in host range and virulence observed with H5Nx clade viruses
  • Better understanding of how genetic reassortment in swine happened, causing circulation of multiple types
  • Better understanding of the propensity of this virus to reassort


  • Effect of environmental factors ( stress , ammonia , temperature , etc. ) on AIV transmission and pathogenesis (critical particularly for H9N2)
  • Knowledge on mechanisms of transmission and environmental persistence of the virus (see control strategies roadmap)
  • Effect of age, breed and physiological state (e.g. LPAI affects ability for egg production)
  • Understanding the role of microbiome and co-infections in virus pathogenicity expressions and vaccine efficacy
  • Understanding the role of factors such as pregnancy and obesity on the susceptibility of breeding sows to SIV infection


What activities are planned or underway?

Protect wildlife from livestock diseases.

Planned Completion date 07/10/2022

Participating Country(s):


Dynamics of sustainability in integrated agriculture : aquaculture systems in the Mekong Delta

Planned Completion date 21/10/2024

Participating Country(s):
