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Influenza roadmap:

Roadmap for the development of candidate vaccines for influenza

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Research Question

  • Knowledge on mechanisms that increase fitness/adaptability in different host range

Research Gaps and Challenges

  • Limited knowledge on the functions of each gene segment in terms of virus-host interactions aiding in the replication and/or increase in
  • Limited knowledge on virus replication markers (e.g. antibodies to NS proteins or other)

Solution Routes

  • Identification of viral gene segments or specific amino acid residues that are critical in altering the phenotype of each AIV subtype
    (replication fitness and virulence)
  • Identify virulence determinants other than the cleavage site of HA both for LPAI and also for HPAI viruses capable of promoting replication in specific organic districts.
  • Mechanisms behind increased pathology observed with some H9Nx and H5N2 LPAI strains
  • ‘Cost’ effective studies related to virus and host fitness

State Of the Art

  • In avian Influenza, the hemagglutinin proteolytic cleavage site is known to be the major determinant of virulence of Influenza for gallinaceous birds, however, there is variation among HPAI viruses in the severity of the disease. The viral mechanisms for these differences are unknown


What activities are planned or underway?

Protect wildlife from livestock diseases.

Planned Completion date 07/10/2022

Participating Country(s):


Dynamics of sustainability in integrated agriculture : aquaculture systems in the Mekong Delta

Planned Completion date 21/10/2024

Participating Country(s):
