Influenza roadmap:
Roadmap for the development of candidate vaccines for influenza
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Challenge models
Challenge models
Research Question
- Need standardised challenge models to compare different vaccines and approaches to vaccination (including chicken, ducks and turkeys)
- Assess vaccine performance under field conditions to validate laboratory models of vaccination
Research Gaps and Challenges
- Reproducibility of studies of virulence, transmission, innate and adaptive immune responses – Credibility of research enterprise
- Equine model is expensive
- Identification of factors that can affect the effectiveness of AIV vaccination
- Different breeds of chickens (Broilers Vs Layers and breeder respond differently
Solution Routes
- Conduct comparative vaccine efficacy studies in avian species other than egg – type chickens, including turkeys, broilers and domestic ducks
- New models for equine flu
- Data algorithm for vaccine implementation in swine
- In vitro, ex vivo and different animal challenge models
- Development of standardized challenge models relating to challenge dose and route of administration for different species
- Establish parameters that suggest vaccine success
- Understanding host-pathogen interactions in these systems is very important
- Understand changes in genome that can effect virus
- Integrative studies that involve surveillance, molecular epidemiology, animal studies and reverse genetics ( DURC study – how do we make it
happen?) (see disease control roadmap)
What activities are planned or underway?
Protect wildlife from livestock diseases.
Planned Completion date 07/10/2022
Participating Country(s):
Dynamics of sustainability in integrated agriculture : aquaculture systems in the Mekong Delta
Planned Completion date 21/10/2024
Participating Country(s):