Home African Swine Fever [Control Strategies] Develop strategies to prevent the introduction of African swine fever (ASF) in free countries, eradicate it from countries having epidemics and to control it in endemic ones
African Swine Fever roadmap:
Control Strategies

Roadmap for the development of control strategies for ASF

Download ASF Control Strategy Roadmap


Control strategies

Control strategies

Research Question

  • To validate outbreak surveillance measures, epidemiological investigations need to be performed on the implementation of emergency control measures and the use of ‘diagnostic tests to detect infected pigs in exposed populations. Investment in the implementation of research priorities to support preparedness plans and ensure the effective use of countermeasures to prevent, control, and eradicate ASF are needed

Research Gaps and Challenges

  • Perform epidemiological investigations on the implementation of emergency control measures and the use of diagnostic tests to detect infected pigs in exposed populations
  • Support preparedness plans and ensure the effective use of countermeasures to prevent, control, and eradicate ASF
  • Establish global ASF surveillance system that provides high quality, accurate, and real-time information on ASF risk to cover critical gaps of information of the ASF situation worldwide and to support ASF control and eradication on a global scale


  • Developing an ASF vaccine
  • Improving biosecurity
  • Investigating the transmission pathways within and between host species

State Of the Art

  • African swine fever (ASF) is a transboundary animal disease that currently threatens swine production worldwide. Even though ASF is an African disease, it is now well entrenched in the Caucasus, Russia, Europe, and Asia. The most significant cause of this recent geographical spread is most likely due to the illegal movement of animals, trade, and contaminated products. This places other countries that trade in pig and pig products in danger, including Europe, South America, and North America. Furthermore, the epidemiological implications of ASF outbreaks in new geographical and ecologically unique environments are unknown, complicating control measures. Surveillance programmes will be the first line of defence against ASF. Diagnostic tests are available and need to be incorporated in
    diagnostic laboratories. A key control measure would be vaccines, but they are currently unavailable, a major gap in the availability of countermeasures to control ASF outbreaks. ASF may show unique regional patterns of presentation, associated with unique set of risk factors that should be assessed to establish proper surveillance and control strategies


What activities are planned or underway?

Africa's Long Depression: The Growth and Debt Crises of 1975-2000

Planned Completion date 01/03/2027

Participating Country(s):

United KingdomIconUnited Kingdom