African Swine Fever roadmap:
Control Strategies
Roadmap for the development of control strategies for ASF
Download ASF Control Strategy RoadmapD
Disease management
Disease management
Research Question
- To develop better tools for the management of ASF
Research Gaps and Challenges
- Identify better management tools to control the disease in wild boars
- Develop low cost commercially available disinfectants for use in the inactivation of ASFV on contaminated surfaces found in farm settings and other susceptible environments
- Explore the use of disinfectants to reduce the risk of ASFV infections from ASFV-infected carcasses
State Of the Art
- Acaricides for controlling the soft tick may not be useful as the tick lives off the host and burrows underground as well as
crevices in buildings. The best ASF method is to remove the pigs from infected premises
What activities are planned or underway?
Africa's Long Depression: The Growth and Debt Crises of 1975-2000
Planned Completion date 01/03/2027
Participating Country(s):
United Kingdom
Unlocking potential: developing innovative adolescent screening visits for health promotion, prevention and treatment in low-resource settings
Planned Completion date 01/01/2028
Participating Country(s):
United Kingdom