Home African Swine Fever [Attenuated organisms] The generation of rationally attenuated genetically modified ASF virus
African Swine Fever roadmap:

Roadmap for the development of a candidate vaccine for ASF

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Attenuated organisms


Next steps

Attenuated organisms

Research Question

  • To generate organisms that are less virulent in terms of pathological changes that they cause and/or their ability to modulate the host’s immune responses – rationally
    attenuated vaccine

Research Gaps and Challenges

  • Ensure the organisms are stable and can be produced in cell
  • Ensure the organisms can still generate a protective response
  • Ensure the organisms give protection against heterologous challenge

Solution Routes

  • Identify ASFV genes involved in virulence and in evasion of the host’s immune response.
    Generate and characterise a range of rationally attenuated organisms
  • Immune response to the attenuated organisms


  • Identify virulence factors and their genes
  • Identify immunomodulators
  • Ensure ability to give cross protection against heterologous challenge


What activities are planned or underway?

Africa's Long Depression: The Growth and Debt Crises of 1975-2000

Planned Completion date 01/03/2027

Participating Country(s):

United KingdomIconUnited Kingdom