Collaborative project: Strategies for laser-based and mechanical regulation of non-seedborne weeds – Subproject B (STRALAMENSU)
Non seedborne plants and previous crop seeds from crop rotation pose major challenges to farming due to the increasing discontinuation of chemical agents and rising resistancies. In this project, both well-established mechanical weeding approaches as well as innovative laser weeding are studied for their potential to solve this growing challenge for farmers. Modern monitoring and vision systems provide automatized process control and will connect end-users to these newly developed tools. Results from lab and field tests will allow a comprehensive evaluation of these non-chemichal approaches seperately as well as in combination and pave the way for a straightforward transfer of the aquired knowledge to enduser and provide concrete guidance for farmers. To accomplish these general objectives, the partners defined the following goals: · Evaluation of commercial solutions for mechanical weeding to control non seedborne plants. · Development and evaluation of a laser-based weeding process for non seedborne plants. · Development of robot-assistet weed mapping by UAV aiming at early recognition and monitoring of infestation with non seedborne weeds and to provide application data for site specific treatment and path planning for standard tractors or autonomous vehicles. · Mechanical and laser weeding are assessed and compared with regard to agricultural and economic criteria with the aim to identify synergies and outline possible concepts for implementation.