ABBA on Fire – An innovative treatment approach based on natural tailocins for fire blight control in organic pome fruit orchards
One of the most promising approaches to achieve food security and sustainable use of resources is the specific application of natural antagonists and beneficial microorganisms in agriculture. In organic farming in particular, these basic principles are already being used effectively today. Among plant-associated bacteria, there are strains that naturally produce tailocins. Similar to bacteriophages, tailocins are able to specifically combat certain bacteria. In the project, tailocin-producing antagonists against the fire blight pathogen Erwinia amylovora will be identified and investigated in experiments in the laboratory, greenhouse and field. The project will also examine potential risks to pollinators using honey bees and bumble bees as model insects, and carry out a risk analysis. Through transfer or application to other pathogen-host plant systems, the principle of tailocin use can be broadly applied to develop a universal tool for the control of plant pathogens.