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Coronaviruses roadmap:
Control Strategies

Roadmap for the development of disease control strategies for coronaviruses

Download 202410 Draft Coronavirus Disease control research roadmap Final


Socio-economic aspects

Socio-economic aspects

Research Question

  • We want to achieve socially accepted and proportional control strategies avoiding unnecessary negative economic impacts in both the short- and long-term context. This is needed to convince decision-makers that control strategies are important and deserve attention.

Research Gaps and Challenges

  • Counteracting the misinformation available in the public space and influencing public perception of the importance of disease control strategies. We need to identify methods to increase stakeholder acceptance for the control strategies proposed.
  • Trade of wildlife that is unrelated to animal-product consumption.
  • Differences in management approaches between different animal species; domestic pets, livestock and wildlife.
  • Influencing decision-makers to work with the scientific data to establish a space to nurture the development of control strategies.

Solution Routes

  • Social science studies to better understand levels of acceptability and engagement stakeholders in an effective way. Awareness campaigns to increase acceptability and engagement for interventions deemed as necessary.
  • Quantify social and economic losses by follow up of outbreaks and modelling.
  • Advocacy and training of citizens for participatory surveillance.


  • Quantifying the economic losses from halting wildlife trade.
  • Quantifying the economic loss and impact to human health from spillover events.
  • Understanding the social, cultural and economic drivers of wildlife trade that is unrelated to food-sustainability.
  • Understanding the differences in management approaches between different animal species; domestic pets, livestock and wildlife and the tolerance levels in each scenario, how these decisions will affect future control strategies.
  • Understanding the behaviours of decision-makers, their autonomy within the space they work and their aversion to risk.