Home Coronaviruses Roadmap for the development of diagnostic tests for coronaviruses
Coronaviruses roadmap:
Diagnostic Tests

Roadmap for the development of diagnostic tests for coronaviruses

Download 202410 Draft Coronavirus Diagnostic Development_Final
Lead Summary Challenges and gap analysis
1 Fit-for-purpose diagnostic tool Diagnostic
2 Validation/proficiency Validation
3 Technology optimisation Technology optimisation
4 Stage specific response Disease stage specific response
6 Biomarkers Biomarkers
8 Characterisation Characterisation
5B Cell-mediated immunity Cell-mediated immunity
5A AB response Antibody response
5 Host response Host response
9B Genetic Genetic
9A Direct detection Direct detection
9 Organism detection Organism detection
7D Immune Immune
7C Infectious Infectious
7B Exposed Exposed
7A Susceptible Susceptible
7 Host-pathogen interactions Host-pathogen interactions
10 Sample type/transportation/preparation Sample type/transportation/preparation