Home Brucellosis [Identity of Mechanisms of Protection] To identify protective mechanisms in Brucella-infected animals
Brucellosis roadmap:

Roadmap for development of a candidate vaccine for Brucella

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To identify protective mechanisms in Brucella-infected animals


Next steps

Identity of Mechanisms of Protection

Research Question

  • Identify the mechanisms operating in immune animals, establishing the role of Abs and CMI in preventing and containing infection.

Solution Routes

  • Characterising the innate immune responses of infected animals.
  • To identify the role of CMI and Ab in providing protection against infection – passive transfer experiments; identity of cell types responding in recall responses.
  • To establish the role of the various cell types and cytokine responses in preventing/clearing infection
  • To characterise the cytokine and cellular responses in latency and carrier states.
  • Identify biomarkers of immunity


  • An improved understanding of host pathogen interaction at the level of the infected cells.
  • The genome sequence of the various Brucella species, including s19, Rev 1 and RB51.


What activities are planned or underway?

EVOZOOM – Evolution and Zoonotic Epidemiology of Bovine Tuberculosis

Planned Completion date

Participating Country(s):

United KingdomIconUnited Kingdom

Milk proteins in bovine mastitis: biomarkers of disease and biological function

Planned Completion date

Participating Country(s):

United KingdomIconUnited Kingdom