Home Brucellosis [Identity of Protective Antigens] Establishing the identity of protective antigens of the various Brucella species
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Roadmap for development of a candidate vaccine for Brucella

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Establishing the identity of protective antigens of the various Brucella species

Identity of Protective Antigens

Research Question

  • The identity the Brucella components that the host needs to respond to to prevent and contain infection

Research Gaps and Challenges

  • Differentiating protective antigens from other antigens that the host is responding to which may be assisting the bacterium evade the hosts’ responses at a particular stage of infection.
  • Identifying common antigens across the various Brucella species
  • Immunogenicity vs virulence

Solution Routes

  • To identify the antigens that are responsible for protective cellular responses.
  • The identity of the antigens that the host is generating Abs to and their role in protection (preventing and clearing infection).
  • Identifying possible protective antigens in the Brucella genome, their expression and trial in challenge experiments


  • Identity of protective mechanisms operating in immune hosts – the role of cell-mediated immune responses and Abs.
  • The genome sequence of various virus isolates


What activities are planned or underway?

EVOZOOM – Evolution and Zoonotic Epidemiology of Bovine Tuberculosis

Planned Completion date

Participating Country(s):

United KingdomIconUnited Kingdom

Milk proteins in bovine mastitis: biomarkers of disease and biological function

Planned Completion date

Participating Country(s):

United KingdomIconUnited Kingdom