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Coronaviruses roadmap:
Control Strategies

Roadmap for the development of disease control strategies for coronaviruses

Download 202410 Draft Coronavirus Disease control research roadmap Final




Research Gaps and Challenges

  • Co-infection with similar/multiple pathogens and/or viral recombination can influence transmission dynamics and confound diagnostics
  • It is possible for an organism to become reinfected with the same isolate or strain
  • Treatment and recovery in multi-pathogen infection can be challenging due to contraindications or emergence of AMR bacteria – super infections

Solution Routes

  • Whole genome sequencing (metagenomics/virome sequencing) – balancing short and long read sequencing techniques depending on the question being asked
  • Use of alternative antibiotics or immunopotentiation agents e.g. probiotics, phage viruses, nanoparticles for treatment


  • There is a need to understand what the normal host virome/ microbiome is
  • Availability of effective alternatives to antibiotics