African Swine Fever roadmap:
Diagnostic Tests
Roadmap for the development of diagnostic tests for ASF
Download ASF Diagnostic Roadmap11
Direct detection/ identification
Improve direct identification of the ASF
Research Question
- The improvement of direct identification of the ASF, especially direct ASFV detection via pen side testing
Research Gaps and Challenges
- Further assessment of field-applicable PCR machines or other genome detection techniques
Solution Routes
- Easy to use point-of-care molecular diagnostics
- Improved DNA extraction
- Direct PCR
State Of the Art
- The most commonly used techniques for virus detection and identification are haemadsorption (HA), direct immunofluorescence (DIF), and since 2000, the molecular detection of ASF virus by PCR. While HA and DIF tests are not commercially available everywhere, several qPCRs are now on the market and licensed in several countries
- qPCR is a very suitable gold standard for ASFV detection
What activities are planned or underway?
Africa's Long Depression: The Growth and Debt Crises of 1975-2000
Planned Completion date 01/03/2027
Participating Country(s):
United Kingdom
Mechanistic and Pathway Analysis of Animal Influenza Virus cross-species transmission by constructing genotype and phenotype networks
Planned Completion date 01/02/2028
Participating Country(s):
United Kingdom