Influenza roadmap:
Control Strategies
Roadmap for the development of disease control strategies for influenza
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Environment including farming systems
Next steps
Environment including farming systems
Research Question
- Role of environmental and ecological variables in virus transmission patterns
Research Gaps and Challenges
- Mode of environmental transmission
- Wildlife reservoirs in avian viruses
- Constantly changing virus
- Risks of exposure in various farming systems
- How can we limit transboundary risk associated with shared ecology?
- Farming near houses (like using manure, like cleaning the waterways)
Solution Routes
- Identification of the most critical environmental interfaces
- Identification of critical reservoir species, particularly within wild bird populations and understanding transmission within the different
species - Dynamics of influenza transmission in various population settings in swine
- Role of wind/dust in transmission patterns
- Study the changes in virus ecology/epidemiology (avian &
clade /swine and endemic farm infections) - Evaluation of farm size and animal density exposure risk factors
- Identification of farm/environment risk factors for HPAIV incursions
- Study how much do open market and free-range birds contribute to spread
- Increase knowledge on precursor viruses and/or signals to indicate any changes in ecology and enable anticipation
- Determine the variables of ‘risky’ ecosystems in order to determine where poultry holdings should
- Data transparency across nations and private companies
- Data collection harmonization so that there is consistency
- Shared data and protocols across countries
Monitor wildlife at strategic points
What activities are planned or underway?
Protect wildlife from livestock diseases.
Planned Completion date 07/10/2022
Participating Country(s):
Impact of host age on viral and bacterial communities in a waterbird population.
Planned Completion date 01/11/2022
Participating Country(s):