Roadmap for the development of candidate vaccines for FMD
Download FMD Vaccine Lead Summaries_Roadmap update10
Expression system
Research Question
What are we trying to achieve and why? What is the problem we are trying to solve?
The empty capsid, or virus-like particle (VLP), strategy can also be using a viral vector to generate empty capsids in vitro to be used as a vaccine antigen. The development of suitable expression systems for the production of FMD
subunit/peptide vaccines should be implemented.
Research Gaps and Challenges
What are the scientific and technological challenges (knowledge gaps needing to be addressed)?
- Ensure quality of produced peptides
- Reduce cellular toxicity
Solution Routes
What approaches could/should be taken to address the research question?
What else needs to be done before we can solve this need?
State Of the Art
Existing knowledge including successes and failures
Several VLP systems have been already tested, with promising results:
- Hepatitis B virus core particles, self-assemble into capsid particles
- Yeast-derived VLP
- E. coli-derived VLP
- Stabilised empty FMDV capsids have been successfully produced in vitro in a baculovirus expression system
- The generation of VLP experimental vaccines using transgenic plants has shown some laboratory success but no vaccine candidate has been efficacy and safety tested in cattle or swine
What activities are planned or underway?
Practical surveillance guidelines for the progressive control of Food-and-Mouth Disease and other transboundary animal diseased
Planned Completion date 20/09/2024
Foot-and-mouth disease virus antigenic landscape and reduced immunogenicity elucidated in atomic detail.
Planned Completion date 10/10/2024