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Coronaviruses roadmap:
Control Strategies

Roadmap for the development of disease control strategies for coronaviruses

Download 202410 Draft Coronavirus Disease control research roadmap Final


Host genetics

Host genetics

Research Question

  • Understand how host genetics influence susceptibility to coronavirus infections

Research Gaps and Challenges

  • Identifying specific genetic variants linked to immune response and understanding their mechanisms
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration to bridge existing knowledge gaps
  • Lack of SNP CHiP data reporting guidelines and online repository so sharing and using this data is very challenging

Solution Routes

  • Large scale Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS)
  • CRISPR-Cas9, and other gene-editing technologies, for functional genomics to study genetic variants and their role in immune response
  • Population genetic studies focusing in identifying protective alleles
  • Multi-omics approaches
  • Models to integrate genetic, transcriptomic, and clinical data, to understand interactions between genetic variants and immune responses


  • Advanced genomic techniques
  • Bioinformatics systems
  • Establishment of infrastructure for data management and interpretation
  • Farms cannot manage the recording necessary for phenotypes and genotypes
  • Public acceptance