Influenza roadmap:
Diagnostic Tests
Roadmap for the development of diagnostic test for influenza
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AB response
Antibody response
Research Question
- Rapid and easy antibody response detection
Research Gaps and Challenges
- Rapid and easy detection of neutralization antibody, cross-reactivity antibody and antigenic characterization
- Sensitvity of rapid assays
- Inability to interpret antibodies in young animals – are they neutralizing? Are they maternally derived? Does their presence impact disease expression (VAERD or protection)?
- Lack of true correlates of protection versus seroconversion
- Understanding of the generation and decline of the humoral immunity of the infected and vaccinated birds
Solution Routes
- ELISA and neutralizing antibody test development
- In-field rapid test development and improvement
- Antibody test platforms to evaluate cell mediated immune responses
- Antibody test platforms to evaluate neutralizing antibodies.
- Orchestrated development of monoclonal antibodies
- Roadmap for the varying uses of antibody diagnostic approaches for veterinarians/responders based on purpose (DIVA vs. Early detection, etc.)
- Monoclonal antibodies availability
- Reference material collection
- Field sample collection
State Of the Art
(2)Competitive ELISA based on NP protein is developed, and this can be used for the serum samples for many different avian species to see the seroconversion due to vaccination or natural infection
What activities are planned or underway?
Protect wildlife from livestock diseases.
Planned Completion date 07/10/2022
Participating Country(s):
Impact of host age on viral and bacterial communities in a waterbird population.
Planned Completion date 01/11/2022
Participating Country(s):