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Home Foot and Mouth Disease [Direct detection] Direct detection and identification of FMDV
Foot and Mouth Disease roadmap:
Diagnostic Tests

Roadmap for the development of diagnostic tests for FMD

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Direct detection

Next steps

Direct detection and identification of FMDV

Research Question

What are we trying to achieve and why? What is the problem we are trying to solve?

To define portable, reliable, rapid, safe and low-cost methods for the direct identification of FMDV.

Research Gaps and Challenges

What are the scientific and technological challenges
(knowledge gaps needing to be addressed)?

  • Develop technology for FMD rapid vaccine matching
  • Define multiplex PCR for vesicular diseases with adequate sensitivity for FMDV detection
  • Detect all FMD strains

Solution Routes

What approaches could/should be taken to address the research question?

Develop serotype specific rRT-PCR assay(s) for all virus pools.

Develop TIGR technology for FMD serotyping/subtyping for rapid vaccine matching and monitoring variation of the virus during an outbreak of FMD.


What else needs to be done before we can solve this need?

  • Primer selection
  • FMDV genome

State Of the Art

Existing knowledge including successes and failures

Virus isolation is considered to be the “gold standard” method for the detection of FMD.

Use of inactivated penside tests to transport the virus (low cost) and to rescue the virus by transfection

A number of RNA detection assays targeting FMDV genome have been developed using reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP), with some detecting single serotypes and others multiple. RT-LAMP was faster, simpler, more cost-effective and at least as sensitive and specific as RT-PCR. Furthermore, it has been successfully used in a portable platform to allow rapid diagnosis in the field. In addition, encouraging results have been obtained from preliminary studies of an RT-LAMP assay coupled with a lateral flow device for use as a rapid, low-cost means for early field detection of FMDV, including from air samples. Developments in pen-side diagnostics include the evaluation of a portable real-time PCR amplification platform.


What activities are planned or underway?

spatial model of foot and mouth disease outbreak in an endemic area of thailand

Planned Completion date 01/10/2021

Participating Country(s):


Epidemiology of foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks in Thailand from 2011 to 2018

Planned Completion date 01/11/2022

Participating Country(s):
