Roadmap for the development of candidate vaccines for liver fluke
Download Liver-Fluke-Vaccine-Roadmap-114
Identity of immunomodulators
- 17 Host pathogen interactions
- 17A Entry
- 17B Replication
- 17C Persistence clearance
Next steps
Research Question
What are we trying to achieve and why? What is the problem we are trying to solve?
To identify how the parasite modulates the host immune responses. If the host could be immunised against these would it result in the parasite being unable to migrate and be eliminated
Research Gaps and Challenges
What are the scientific and technological challenges (knowledge gaps needing to be addressed)?
Solution Routes
What approaches could/should be taken to address the research question?
- Establish which parasite genes are being expressed at different stages and their role in parasite migration/feeding
- Establish the roles of Cathepsins, peroxiredoxin and helminth defence molecules in immunomodulation
What else needs to be done before we can solve this need?
An improved understanding of Host-parasite interaction
State Of the Art
Existing knowledge including successes and failures
- We can describe the ways in which the response of infected animals is altered, and how it affects the response to other pathogens
- Modulation involves suppression of Th1 responses, induction of Th2/Treg responses, and polarisation of macrophages towards the alternatively-activated pathway.
What activities are planned or underway?
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the beta-tubulin gene and its relationship with treatment response to albendazole in human soil-transmitted helminths in Southern Mozambique
Planned Completion date 14/09/2022
BruchidRESIST: The Pannonian vetch (Vicia pannonica) as a model plant for the development of resistant field bean and vetch varieties against field bean weevil (Bruchus rufimanus) infestation (BruchidRESIST)
Planned Completion date 31/01/2028