Home African Swine Fever [Inactivated vaccines] Development of cross protective/multivalent ASF inactivated/killed vaccine
African Swine Fever roadmap:

Roadmap for the development of a candidate vaccine for ASF

Download ASF Vaccine Roadmap


Inactivated vaccines


Next steps

Inactivated vaccines

Research Question

  • The development of an effective killed virus vaccine that provide protection and is safe

Research Gaps and Challenges

  • Having it efficacious
  • Cross protection
  • Stimulating protective response involving both VN Abs and CTC

Solution Routes

  • Selection of inactivated whole virus preparations
  • Monitoring the immune response following immunisation with the various candidates.
  • Challenge experiments with the various vaccine candidates


  • Selection of the right strain, titre and preparation/inactivation to induce a protective immunity
  • The availability of suitable adjuvants to stimulate strong CTC and VN-Ab responses

State Of the Art

  • Attempts to vaccinate animals using infected cell extracts, supernatants of infected pig peripheral blood leukocytes, purified and inactivated virions, infected glutaraldehyde-fixed macrophages, or detergent-treated infected alveolar macrophages failed to induce protective immunity


What activities are planned or underway?

African Swine Fever virus inactivation by feed additives in vitro

Planned Completion date 01/01/2022

Source Countries:


The incursion risk of African swine fever for the Netherlands by human-mediated routes

Planned Completion date 01/01/2022

Source Countries:
