Roadmap for the development of candidate vaccines for FMD
Download FMD Vaccine Lead Summaries_Roadmap update16
Identity of mechanisms of protection
Next steps
Research Question
What are we trying to achieve and why? What is the problem we are trying to solve?
Identify the mechanisms operating in immune animals, establishing the role of antibodies and cell mediate immunity
in preventing and clearing FMDV infection.
Research Gaps and Challenges
What are the scientific and technological challenges (knowledge gaps needing to be addressed)?
- Identify mechanisms of virus neutralisation, epitope mapping, and protein structural constrains governing immunological recognition
- Establish consistent ways to measure and evaluate protection
- Discover the mechanisms that lead to the establishment and longevity of memory responses
- Characterise mucosal immune system of FMDV-susceptible species
- Understand how mucosal and systemic immunity combine to provide effective protection following vaccination or during infection
Solution Routes
What approaches could/should be taken to address the research question?
What else needs to be done before we can solve this need?
- Improve understanding of host virus interaction at the level of the infected cells
- Genome sequence of various FMDV isolates
State Of the Art
Existing knowledge including successes and failures
Recent studies have shed light on the mechanisms underlying formation of the bovine B- and T-cell response; there is also a greater understanding of the significance of non-neutralising antibodies during FMDV infection and the interactions of antibody-bound virus with immune cells.
What activities are planned or underway?
Practical surveillance guidelines for the progressive control of Food-and-Mouth Disease and other transboundary animal diseased
Planned Completion date 20/09/2024
Foot-and-mouth disease virus antigenic landscape and reduced immunogenicity elucidated in atomic detail.
Planned Completion date 10/10/2024