Home Influenza [Modelling interventions] Modelling interventions
Influenza roadmap:
Control Strategies

Roadmap for the development of disease control strategies for influenza

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Modelling interventions

Modelling interventions

Research Question

  • Mathematical models that can improve prevention and control measures for influenza viruses
  • Geo-epidemiologic models that can improve prevention and control measures for influenza viruses

Research Gaps and Challenges

  • Mathematical/computational modelling of outbreak dynamics to inform public policy
  • Need for data as early as possible to populate the model
  • What are the specific datasets necessary as basic minimum for a good model?
  • Models to include climate change data that affects wild bird migration
  • Difficulty to track different vectors movements
  • Diverse strains and clades

Solution Routes

  • Impact of airborne transmission (wind or ventilation system)
  • Improvement of current modelling systems with new knowledge on transmissions routes, epidemiological and environmental data
  • Inclusion of epidemiological, environmental, and socioeconomic data into comprehensive viral prediction systems
  • Computational risk modelling based on epidemiological and surveillance data, including diverse strains and clades
  • Preset/well defined data fields to ease data movement and collection
  • Models taking into account vaccinated/unvaccinated populations and
    vaccines’ /(incl. R0)
  • Determination of the population (bird or animal number) sampled with environmental samples.
  • Models contextualizing real-life scenarios


  • Target surveillance efforts and disease control strategies
  • Data availability to populate models
  • Possibility of Data sharing between countries and from private companies
  • Data collection from populations that are difficult to capture like upland gamebirds.
  • Duck population data. Mortality, production parameters, antibodies, virological
  • Availability of socio-economics and livelihoods data


What activities are planned or underway?

Protect wildlife from livestock diseases.

Planned Completion date 07/10/2022

Participating Country(s):


Impact of host age on viral and bacterial communities in a waterbird population.

Planned Completion date 01/11/2022

Participating Country(s):
