Home African Swine Fever [Socio-economic aspects] To investigate socio-economic aspects of ASF
African Swine Fever roadmap:
Control Strategies

Roadmap for the development of control strategies for ASF

Download ASF Control Strategy Roadmap




Research Question

  • To better understand the socio-economics of the disease and pig and pork value chains, particularly those related to low
    biosecurity settings

Research Gaps and Challenges

  • To investigate the socioeconomics of the disease and pig and pork value chains, particularly those related to low biosecurity settings

State Of the Art

  • The introduction of ASF into countries outside Africa has had important economic consequences for swine industries. A
    significant consequence of the introduction of ASF is the loss of status for international trade and the implementation of
    drastic and costly control strategies to eradicate the disease. In endemic countries, such as in Africa, the impact is also
    considerable, particularly on numerous poor households that depend on pigs to pay for many of the necessities of life. The acceptance of stakeholders of the current stamping out policy is weak, either for ethical and economic reasons


What activities are planned or underway?

Africa's Long Depression: The Growth and Debt Crises of 1975-2000

Planned Completion date 01/03/2027

Participating Country(s):

United KingdomIconUnited Kingdom