African Swine Fever roadmap:
Control Strategies
Roadmap for the development of control strategies for ASF
Download ASF Control Strategy Roadmap11
Research Question
- There is an important need to identify if the ticks in an affected region (where ASF outbreak occurred) could become biological vectors or not
Research Gaps and Challenges
- Continuate molecular epidemiology studies to monitor soft tick distribution
- Identify if the ticks in new geographical areas where ASF outbreak occur could become biological vectors or not.
- Determine whether new ASFV isolates can productively infect local ticks and whether they become persistently infected
- Research is needed to further understand the distribution of soft ticks
- Investigated basic parameters governing host to host infection, including ticks
- Develop tests for detecting ASFV in ticks
- Implementation of tick surveillance programmes
State Of the Art
- The presence/absence of arthropod vectors (i.e., tick species) in the affected area will impact the spread and maintenance of the virus in the environment. In sub-Saharan Africa, ASFV is maintained in a sylvatic cycle between warthogs and ticks of the genus Ornithodoros. In endemic areas of Africa, infected ticks and warthogs are the source of virus responsible for disease outbreaks in domestic swine
- Acaricides for controlling the soft tick may not be useful as the tick lives off the host and burrows underground as well as in crevices in buildings
- The best ASF control method is to remove the pigs from infected premises
What activities are planned or underway?
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Participating Country(s):
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