Helminths - Already on Site

Helminths (including anthelmintic resistance)

Helminths are parasitic worms causing disease in animals. Anthelmintic resistance occurs when these worms become resistant to treatment.

Helminths - Already on Site

STAR IDAZ Approach

Infections with helminthic parasites are a major threat to animal health, welfare, and production and include several zoonoses. If uncontrolled, they have worldwide a serious negative impact on the income of farmers, the viability of livestock industries, and the sustainable development of rural areas. The control of these infections is complicated due to climate change and the expansion of anthelmintic resistance (AR).
STAR-IDAZ works together with the Livestock Helminth Research Alliance (LiHRA) to coordinate the activities of the Helminth Working Group.


Working group


STAR-IDAZ Helminth WG activities are coordinated by the Livestock Helminth Research Alliance (LiHRA). LiHRA is an international network of researchers, founded in 2014, that brings together, expands and optimizes skills and expertise in different disciplines within livestock helminth research. LiHRA grew out of EU-funded research projects addressing challenges in the control of gastrointestinal nematodes and liver fluke in ruminants and related projects investigating alternative control approaches for livestock parasites.
LiHRA members meet annually to review current challenges, recent results, research gaps and future opportunities for collaborative research. Discussions within LiHRA give rise to opinion papers and have underpinned the initiation of various research and networking projects including the COST Actions COMBAR (2017-2022), ENVIRANT (2024-2029) and the Thematic Network SPARC (2024-2027).

Key People

Argentina flag

Johannes Charlier (COMBAR Chair),

COMBAR and LiRHA Argentina

Canada flag

John Gillleard ,

University of Calgary Canada

Germany flag

Georg von samson Himmelstjerna,

Freie Universität Berlin Germany

United Kingdom flag

Diana Williams,

University of Liverpool United Kingdom

Italy flag

Laura Rinaldi ,

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Italy

Belgium flag

Edwin Claerebout,

Ghent University Belgium

Belgium flag

Peter Geldhof,

Ghent University Belgium

Argentina flag

Carlos Lanusse,

CIVETAN Argentina

Argentina flag

Candela Canton,

CIVETAN Argentina

Argentina flag

Luis Alvarez ,

CONICET Argentina

Grenada flag

Ray Kaplan ,

St. George’s University Grenada

Belgium flag

Jozef Vercruysse,

Ghent University Belgium

Ireland flag

Grace Mulcahy,

University College Dublin Ireland

United Kingdom flag

Philip Skuce,

Moredun Research Institute United Kingdom

United Kingdom flag

Eric R. Morgan,

Queen’s University of Belfast United Kingdom

Mexico flag

Felipe Torres Acosta ,

Universidad Autonoma de Yucatán Mexico

Ireland flag

Theo De Waal,

University College Dublin Ireland

Denmark flag

Stig Milan Thamsborg ,

University of Copenhagen Denmark

France flag

Hervé Hoste,

INRAE France

Greece flag

Smaro Sotiraki ,

HAO Demeter, Greece Greece

New Zealand flag

Andy Greer,

University of Lincoln New Zealand

South Africa flag

Jan Van Wijk,

University of Pretoria South Africa

United Kingdom flag

Alasdair Nisbet ,

Moredun Research Institute United Kingdom


Reports and outcomes from meetings and workshops

Research roadmaps

Gap analysis summary

Six research roadmaps have been developed: a roadmap for diagnostics, a roadmap for therapeutic approaches, two roadmaps for vaccine development (nematodes and liver fluke) and two roadmaps for control strategy (nematodes and liver fluke). The roadmaps were developed through multiple meetings of the WG during 2018 and 2019, adopted by STAR-IDAZ in 2019 and published on the website on January 2020. Discussion for an update of the roadmap have started in 2024.