Boy Goat Forest One Health

One Health (including food-borne pathogens)

One Health is an integrated approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health to effectively prevent and manage global health challenges.

Boy Goat Forest One Health

STAR IDAZ Approach

There are different definitions of one health, but they all emphasise the connections between humans, animals, and environment and the benefits of an interdisciplinary approach to solving problems in health. The following definition based on the one adopted by WHO, FAO, & OIE – Tripartite Alliance.

One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach – working at local, regional, national, and global levels – to achieve optimal health and well-being outcomes recognizing the interconnections between humans, animals (domestic and wild), plants, ecosystems, and their shared environment.

STAR-IDAZ IRC has worked with the Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Disease Preparedness (GloPID-R; to produce a report that aims to make recommendations for research funding organisations to better align their funding strategies to integrate the One Health approach more widely.


  • One Health Commission - One Health Tools and Toolkits

    These documents aid in health systems management, disease surveillance, research, learning, and much more. To help streamline awareness of and access to them, the One Health Commission has gathered tools and toolkits from across the web and presented them.

Working group

One Health Working Group

The STAR-IDAZ IRC’s One Health Working Group has worked alongside GloPID-R (Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Disease Preparedness) to reproduce a report that aims to make recommendations for research funding organisations to better align their funding strategies to integrate the One Health approach more widely.

The report titled ‘Mapping One Health: An Exploration of the Global Funding Landscape for One Health Research’, compiles expert opinions and recommendations from a workshop and survey.

Key People

Switzerland flag

Aurelie Castinel,

SAFOSO Switzerland

France flag

Baldissera Giovani,

Euphresco France

Côte d'Ivoire flag

Bassirou Bonfoh,

Swiss Centre of Scientific Research Côte d'Ivoire

France flag

Benjamin Roche,

Research Institute for Development (IRD) France

Global flag

Chadia Wannous,

World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) Global

Switzerland flag

Diana Rojas Alvarez,

WHO Emergencies Programme Switzerland

China flag

Dirk Pfeiffer,

City University of Hong Kong China

Germany flag

Fabian Leendertz,

Helmholtz Institute for One Health Germany

Brazil flag

Gabriela Di Giulio,

University of São Paulo Brazil

Switzerland flag

Jakob Zinsstag,

, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Switzerland

United Kingdom flag

Joanne Webster,

Royal Veterinary College and Imperial College of London United Kingdom

United States flag

Jonna Mazet,

University of California United States

United Kingdom flag

Kris Murray,

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine United Kingdom

Singapore flag

Linfa Wang,

Duke NUS Medical School Singapore

China flag

Malik Peris ,

University of Hong Kong China

United States flag

Marc Johnson,

University of Missouri United States

United Kingdom flag

Mariella Marzano,

Forest Research United Kingdom

South Africa flag

Misheck Mulumba,

ARC Onderstepoort Veterinary Research South Africa

France flag

Muriel Vayssier-Taussat ,

INRAE France

New Zealand flag

Nigel French,

Massey University New Zealand

Singapore flag

Paul Pronyk,

SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute Singapore

United States flag

Paula Prist,

Ecohealth Alliance United States

Peru flag

Paulo Vela,

Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University Peru

Australia flag

Robyn Alders,

Australian National University, Australia Australia

Malaysia flag

Salazy Bin Abubakar ,

University of Malaysia Malaysia

Germany flag

Sascha Knauf,

Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute (FLI) Germany

United Kingdom flag

Tony Barnett,

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine United Kingdom

South Africa flag

Wanda Markotter,

University of Pretoria South Africa

Italy flag

Zelalem Tadesse,

Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Italy


Reports and outcomes from meetings and workshops

Research roadmaps

Gap analysis summary

The working group has produced a report titled ‘Mapping One Health: An Exploration of the Global Funding Landscape for One Health Research’. This report, which compiles expert opinions and recommendations from a workshop and survey conducted
by the group members, has been recently circulated to STAR-IDAZ members for review and will be published on the website shortly. Additionally, an abstract from the report has been accepted for presentation at the 8th World One Health Congress in Cape Town this September. Our next step is to engage funders and start working on a living funders roadmap.