Female veterinarian, wearing green scrubs, kneeling down and approaching a pig in a field.

Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex

A multifactorial syndrome affecting the respiratory system of pigs.

Female veterinarian, wearing green scrubs, kneeling down and approaching a pig in a field.

STAR IDAZ Approach

Porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) is a multifactorial syndrome affecting the respiratory system of pigs in the swine industry. Environmental factors and management practices can trigger PRDC pathogens to cause severe health problems. The causative agents of PRDC include primary pathogens such as porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), swine influenza A virus (IAV), Aujeszky's disease virus (ADV), as well as Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae.
STAR IDAZ keeps ahead of the latest advancements in the PRDC field in readiness for future working group activity.

Working group

No Active Working Group.

STAR IDAZ focuses on porcine respiratory disease complex by staying ahead of the latest research in the field to ensure that consideration is given to the impact of this global disease on the pig industry in readiness for future activities. However, there is currently no active working group.

Key People

Global flag


TBD Global

Research roadmaps

Gap analysis summary

There is currently no active PRDC working group.

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Participating Country(s):

United KingdomIconUnited Kingdom

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Participating Country(s):

United KingdomIconUnited Kingdom