Home Addressing the dual emerging threats of African Swine Fever and Lumpy Skin Disease in Europe (DEFEND)


Addressing the dual emerging threats of African Swine Fever and Lumpy Skin Disease in Europe (DEFEND)


Objective 1: Identify the drivers for emergence of ASF and LSD in Europe
• Potential disease risk factors were identified for ASF and LSD and a risk framework based on a novel participatory risk assessment system (PRMNAD) was developed to provide spatial indications of disease occurrence risk. The risk framework enables risk ranking and mapping of potential disease occurrences, and aid in allocating valuable resources for transboundary animal disease control situations.
• Whole genome sequencing methodologies for LSD and ASF have been refined, and full genomes of LSDV isolates and ASFV isolates have been sequenced. Polymorphisms have been identified and used to better understand the spread of the viruses in the field.
• Fieldwork has been carried out in border regions of six countries and information was gathered on cross-border movements of people, live animals, and animal products as well as socio-economic factors and policy frames. Strategies to prevent and control animal infectious diseases in these regions have been formulated.
Objective 2: Understand the fundamental biology of LSDV
• Transmission of LSDV via Stomoxys calcitrans flies, via fomites, and via artificial insemination were studied during RP3.
• The role of cattle subclinically infected with LSDV in the vector-borne transmission of LSD was examined.
Objective 3: Develop tools for the management of ASF and LSD
• A decision tool for the evaluation of the risk of introducing ASFV into pig farms has been developed and evaluated.
• Mathematical models which simulate ASF in a wild boar population have been developed and used to identify the role of different factors on the progression on the disease.
• The immune response of cattle infected with LSDV has been characterised in detail. This information has been used to develop better tools for the serodiagnosis of LSD and design better vaccines.
Cross-cutting themes:
• Communication and dissemination: DEFEND communication tools have been used to promote the work of DEFEND, including the website, newsletters, podcasts and social media.
• Guaranteeing impact: A Knowledge Transfer review of DEFEND was carried out and provided recommendations for maximising impact
• Project management: Administrative and coordination support has been provided to ensure efficient progress of the planned work.

Objectives & Deliverables

DEFEND is an international partnership of academic, industrial and governmental organisations working together to tackle the emergence of African swine fever (ASF) and lumpy skin disease (LSD) in European livestock. Our overall objective is to control the growing ASF and LSD epidemics in Europe and neighbouring countries by understanding the drivers of ASFV and LSDV emergence, and generating research outputs which underpin novel diagnostic tools and vaccines, and authenticate appropriate and rapid responses by decision-makers.

African swine fever is an emerging disease that is currently spreading through pig populations in eastern Europe and Asia. The disease is caused by African swine fever virus (ASFV), is highly contagious, and causes a haemorrhagic syndrome which kills up to 100% of pigs in a herd. ASFV has caused the death of millions of pigs in Europe and Asia in recent years either directly or as a consequence of culling of infected herds. No vaccine exists to prevent disease, and control is heavily dependent on strict biosecurity measures.

Lumpy skin disease is an emerging disease of cattle. It is caused by the vector-borne poxvirus lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV). Since 2012 the virus has spread from the Middle East into new regions including Europe, Russia and Asia. An extensive regional vaccination campaign in south east Europe from 2016 – 2018 halted the spread of the disease further into central Europe, however it remains a threat to cattle populations worldwide.

DEFEND is designed around three scientific objectives:
• Objective 1. Identify the drivers for emergence of ASF and LSD in Europe
• Objective 2. Understand the fundamental biology of LSDV
• Objective 3. Develop tools for the management of ASF and LSD

The societal impact of DEFEND will be realised through reductions in economic losses in the farming sector, improved food security, heightened stability of the rural sector, and enhanced resource efficiency.


The impact of DEFEND is being realised through implementation of innovative solutions for the control and prevention of ASF and LSD. For example:
• A technical platform has been developed for a risk framework for low knowledge and high uncertainty disease spread situations
• Strategies for minimising transboundary animal disease spread in border regions and regions of unrest have been formulated
• Parameters have been calculated for the transmission of LSDV via arthropod vectors or via artificial insemination, to enable better control programmes to be designed.
• A decision tool for the evaluation of the risk of introducing ASFV into pig farms has been developed and trialled.
• Mathematical models which simulate ASF in a wild boar population have been developed and used to evaluate the impact of different surveillance strategies and to identify the role of different factors (such as hunting pressure, disease survivors, carcass removal) on the progression of the disease. The results of this modelling will be exploited by policy makers to design more effective strategies to reduce the spread of ASFV in wild boar and to reduce the spill-over of ASFV from wild boar to pigs.
Tools and knowledge such as these will support the European animal health policy motto “prevention is better than cure”. Potential impacts include a reduction in the economic losses suffered by the farming sector and improved food quality and security. These impacts will support EU animal health policies.

Principle Investigator(s)

Planned Completion date: 30/11/2023

Effort: € 5 992 500,00

Project Status


Researcher Organisations

SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research, and the bioeconomy

Source Country
