Home FAST: innovative Flash floods, debris, and humAn factor modelling methods for Safe evacuaTion


FAST: innovative Flash floods, debris, and humAn factor modelling methods for Safe evacuaTion

Objectives & Deliverables

Flash floods in urban areas are particularly dangerous extreme events, given their tragic impacts on human life and significant social
and economic damage. Evacuation of citizens during these events is crucial to mitigate their impact. Effective evacuation strategies
from flash floods can be developed through the understanding of the interactions among all the components of the process: the
individuals, the flow, the waterborne debris and the urban environment. The impact of waterborne debris on the behaviour of
individuals has not been addressed by existing studies and modelling tools. FAST aims at reducing human losses through improved
evacuation strategies possible thanks to the innovative combination of physics-based, virtual reality and agent-based modelling
approaches. This aim will be achieved thanks to the understanding and modelling of the complex interactions among the flow, the
waterborne debris, and evacuees. To this end, FAST will develop the first computational methodology that combines reliable
simulations of human behaviour and the physical aspects of flash floods, including waterborne debris, to provide the tools to improve
evacuation and emergency response strategies during these events. FAST will exploit the innovative capabilities of virtual reality
environments to conduct an experiment that will allow the development of an agent-based model of the evacuees' behaviour in the
presence of waterborne debris using data-driven and machine learning methods. This model will be verified using a case study for
which data on the flow and human behaviour will be collected. It will be made available as open-source code and combined with a
hydrodynamic model capable of tracking waterborne debris to be used as a comprehensive simulation tool. This research will allow
the fellow to grow as an independent interdisciplinary researcher thanks to training in novel methodologies in virtual reality and
agent-based modelling applied to extreme hydrodynamic events.

Principle Investigator(s)

Planned Completion date: 01/08/2027

Effort: £206,085

Project Status


Principal Investigator(s)

Horizon Europe Guarantee

Researcher Organisations

University of Nottingham

Source Country

United KingdomIconUnited Kingdom