Home Innovative ways of regional sustainable use of animal genetic resources in domestic chickens – Öko-BeratungsGesellschaft mbH (RegioHuhn)


Innovative ways of regional sustainable use of animal genetic resources in domestic chickens – Öko-BeratungsGesellschaft mbH (RegioHuhn)


The project ‚RegioHuhn‘ aims to develop an alternative approach to poultry production that, on the one hand, addresses the interests of organic farming in a wide range of regionally-related products and, on the other hand, supports the maintenance of genetic diversity in chickens. The concept is based on the use of crossing local chicken breeds with high-performance genotypes of layers and broilers parents. The idea is to achieve a combination of the robustness and adaptability of local breeds and the performance potential of high performing genotypes. The selection of local chicken breeds takes into account aspects of regionality, their potential suitability for agricultural use and the availability of purebred animals. The following indigenous breeds, distributed across several areas of Germany, are used in this project: Altsteirer and Augsburger (LfL Kitzingen), Bielefelder Kennhuhn and Mechelner (University of Bonn), Ostfriesische Möwen and Ramelsloher (FLI-ING). In ‚RegioHuhn‘, purebred animals as well as their crosses with high performing broiler and layer breeders will be subjected to a fattening and laying performance test in order to evaluate their suitability as a dual-use type for regional organic farming. In addition to an economic analysis, this also includes an assessment of the animals’ welfare indicators. To assess the relevance in practice, the crossbred animals will be included in ten farms in an on-farm field trial (Naturland) in addition to the station testing. Semen of the cocks of the local breeds are integrated into the German Genebank of Farm Animals (FLI). In addition, for the local breeds, nucleus herds are established, which will make the most suited crossbreds available to farmers beyond the end of the project.

Principle Investigator(s)

Planned Completion date: 29/02/2028

Effort: 135,901 Euro

Principal Investigator(s)

BMEL - Federal Organic Farming Scheme

Researcher Organisations

Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Source Country
