TiKoPLUS – animal welfare, competence and cooperation between learning locations
Topic: Aquatic Diseases
The project strengthens cooperation between learning locations in the agricultural sector and ensures the pedagogical professionalization of educational staff through animal welfare-oriented educational modules and teaching-learning settings. The agricultural sector is facing major challenges, not only due to structural changes, but also because of increased societal demand for higher animal welfare levels and a shift in values towards more sustainable food production. These shifts are accompanied by political decisions. With regard to vocational training – particularly for agricultural training staff – there is a tension between increasing requirements for technical and methodological skills. This especially applies to methodological and content-related requirements for the appropriate use of media and in relation to the topics of animal welfare and animal protection. Project objectivesOn the one hand, training modules, teaching-learning settings and a toolbox will be developed, tested and evaluated in order to enable animal welfare-oriented and pedagogical professionalization of vocational training staff. On the other hand, structures for cooperation between the learning locations in agricultural apprenticeship are being created in a way that animal welfare and competence-oriented training in the agricultural sector is established and strengthened in the long term, including supra-regionally.